Josh Hart Stats, A Comprehensive Overview of His NBA Career

Josh hart stats

Unveiling josh hart stats, this article delves into the captivating world of basketball, exploring the impressive career of Josh Hart. From his early days on the court to his current NBA stardom, we’ll uncover his remarkable achievements, strengths, and areas for growth.

Throughout his journey, Hart has showcased his versatility as a dynamic guard, contributing significantly to his teams’ success. His impressive statistics speak volumes about his impact on the game, and we’ll delve into each aspect of his performance, providing a comprehensive analysis of his contributions.

Josh Hart: Statistik dan Analisis Karir

Josh hart stats

Josh Hart adalah pemain bola basket profesional Amerika untuk Portland Trail Blazers di National Basketball Association (NBA). Dikenal karena intensitas dan atletismenya, Hart telah membuktikan dirinya sebagai pemain serba bisa yang berkontribusi pada timnya di berbagai bidang.

In a separate game, the Cleveland Guardians faced the Houston Astros in a close encounter. The Guardians emerged victorious, with a 4-3 scoreline. The game was marked by strong performances from both sides, with the Guardians’ pitching staff limiting the Astros to just three runs.

Profil Pemain

Lahir pada 6 Maret 1995, Josh Hart memiliki tinggi 6’5″ (1,96 m) dan berat 215 lb (98 kg). Dia bermain di posisi shooting guard dan small forward. Hart bermain bola basket perguruan tinggi untuk Villanova Wildcats, di mana dia memenangkan Kejuaraan NCAA pada tahun 2016 dan 2018. Dia direkrut oleh Utah Jazz dengan pilihan ke-30 secara keseluruhan pada NBA Draft 2017.

Statistik Karir

Kategori Statistik
Poin per game 9,4
Rebound per game 5,4
Assist per game 2,7
Steal per game 1,3
Blok per game 0,4

Rincian Musim demi Musim, Josh hart stats

2017-18 Lakers 65 7,9 4,2 1,3 1,0 0,2
2018-19 Lakers 68 10,1 6,1 2,4 1,2 0,4
2019-20 Pelicans 65 10,0 6,5 2,9 1,5 0,5
2020-21 Pelicans 68 9,2 4,9 2,3 1,2 0,4
2021-22 Blazers 69 11,3 6,2 3,0 1,6 0,6

Statistik Lanjutan

Player Efficiency Rating (PER) Josh Hart selama lima musim di NBA adalah sebagai berikut:

Musim PER
2017-18 10,8
2018-19 13,0
2019-20 12,6
2020-21 11,2
2021-22 14,2

PER adalah metrik yang mengukur kontribusi keseluruhan pemain terhadap timnya. Hart memiliki PER yang konsisten di atas rata-rata, yang menunjukkan bahwa dia adalah pemain yang efisien dan efektif di kedua sisi lapangan.

Kekuatan dan Kelemahan


  • Atletis dan energik
  • Penembak tiga angka yang solid
  • Rebounder yang baik untuk ukurannya
  • Pembela yang tangguh


  • Kurang konsisten dalam menyerang
  • Bisa ceroboh dalam menangani bola
  • Terkadang rentan terhadap foul

Perbandingan dengan Pemain Serupa

Josh Hart 9,4 5,4 2,7 1,3 0,4
Gary Harris 11,3 3,7 2,4 1,3 0,4
Derrick White 11,3 3,7 3,5 1,3 0,4

Josh Hart sebanding dengan pemain seperti Gary Harris dan Derrick White. Ketiganya adalah penjaga atletis yang dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam berbagai cara, baik dalam menyerang maupun bertahan.

Final Conclusion: Josh Hart Stats

Hart josh ejected espn lakers nba stats arguing officials after

In conclusion, Josh Hart has established himself as a formidable force in the NBA, consistently delivering impressive performances that have earned him recognition and respect. His unwavering determination and commitment to improvement make him an asset to any team, and we eagerly anticipate his continued growth and success in the years to come.

Essential Questionnaire

What is Josh Hart’s position?

Josh Hart primarily plays as a shooting guard.

The Milwaukee Bucks and Indiana Pacers faced off in a thrilling matchup, with Brook Lopez averaging an impressive 20 points and 10 rebounds. Meanwhile, Tyrese Haliburton led the Pacers with 29 points and 11 assists. The Bucks’ victory was secured by Khris Middleton contributing 25 points and 8 rebounds.

What is Josh Hart’s height?

Josh Hart stands at 6 feet 5 inches (1.96 meters) tall.

What team does Josh Hart currently play for?

Josh Hart currently plays for the New York Knicks.

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About the Author: Jason